Version 0.64 release

Updating this took a lot out of me. 0.64 is roughly about the size of 2 1/2 updates by itself. 
Mainly because I tried to add so many different variations for each scene depending on choices made up to that point.


New Content:

  • Chapter 4 is complete
  • You can now visit Yuki's home and finish her scenario.
    • Several different and detailed scenes based on choices.
    • Several non-lewd character and story images.
    • 3 seperate possible lewd scenes. 2 of them require at least 35 corruption.
  • New scenes with Yuki when you take her to her favorite place (after finishing her scenario).
  • Depending on the outcome with Yuki, one of two new scenes can be seen at the brothel. More to come later.
  • 2 new minor characters whose names will change based on who names them (Rhelyla or Takara).
    • Please view both versions... ♥
  • Multiple new lewd scenes available, including one with Yuki. Alaric also has a hidden option for his lewd scene depending on how you handle battle.
  • Trashed the old hints system, replaced with a new one.
  • Added a modification to battles to allow for a secret in a specific fight. (This SHOULDN'T break anything...)
  • New possible (bad) ending.


  • The usual typos.
  • Removed the note about transformation every single turn if the enemy is too high of a level.
  • Added a note under your stats - list of spells for transformation that it doesn't work on enemies that are 5 levels higher than you.
  • Modified some of the dialogue against in battle.
  • Rephrased "lounge" in your room since the only thing you can do with it at the moment is speak to Yuki. Possibly temporary.
  • Honestly a lot more...


demon gods PC version 505 MB
64 days ago
demongods64.apk 509 MB
64 days ago

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